Hmm, while teaching my student on internal and external fertilization. I encounter this problem. As I keep on teaching on external fertilization where egg are laid and wait for the male to fertilize (like frog and salmon). So my student ask me how about chicken as they keep on producing egg.
We know that an egg need a embryo (a red dot) in it so that it can be hatched into a chick. I know that the egg we ate are normally not fertilize. So is it chicken also lay egg then wait for male to fertilize? As I never see a chicken and a rooster have sex. But the answer is NO. I think chicken normally find a quiet place to have sex where nobody see it (even my mum who use to rear chicken while she was young also don't know chicken will have sex with male).
But then I never seen a rooster with penis leh (I only see it in dogs and dogs having sex can also be seen easily). But I found this in Yahoo Answer that bird penises are tucked away and don't come out until they're needed. But exactly like mammals and reptiles, birds need to have sex in order to get offspring. For a bird, there's no way to fertilize an egg after it's been laid.On the other hand, a chicken (or any bird) can lay unfertilized eggs. A chicken does not have to have sex to lay an egg. So is quite similar to human as we do produce egg every month from our ovary whether we have sex or not.
So I think this is quite clear that chicken reproduce through internal fertilization then ;)
lol so funny
Very true! Im a chicken farmer! And fertilized eggs are great to eat. Of course I gather eggs everyday and place them in a fridge so if they are fertile the process doesnt contine ( the chick doesnt actually develope at all) once they are chilled. They need to be incubated to produce the chick.
I thought for the longest time that chickens, like fish, were external fertilizers. Thanks for debunking that myth!
Thank you for this explaination. I have found out the answer to my science question thanks to you. THANK YOU! I'm p5
Then how the egg of the chicken gets fertilized??? For fertilization male sperms are needed.. But after laying egg how a sperm can fertilize it???
The egg gets fertilized internally. Maybe before the shell developed, the sperm may have fertilized the egg inside the chicken and then the shell starts to develop and later pop out from the chicken. So is not after the egg is laid and the sperm fertilizes it.
That makes sense now thanks. But does a dog used internal fertilization or external?
do all birds have internal fertilisation?
Yes, a dog does internal fertilization.
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